Tag Archives: Chasing Elephants

“Chasing Elephants”

I have to admit that Brent Crowe’s,“Chasing Elephants: Wrestling with the Gray Areas of Life,” was not what I expected it to be. I “assumed” (Crowe challenges readers not to make assumptions) that the book would explain what the “gray area” of life are and then go on to tell us what we needed to believe. That is NOT what this book is about. Yes, it addresses controversial areas that today’s society is wrestling with; but rather than telling us what to believe… Crowe shows us how to THINK and BE in the midst of such controversy, which he grounds in Scripture. In a nutshell, he shows us not so much WHAT to believe, but HOW TO BELIEVE. He does this by giving a series of questions to ask when dealing with a “Gray Area,” that he calls the “How To Believe Grid.”

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Filed under Book Review, Homosexuality