Monthly Archives: March 2018

“Palm Sunday 2018”

Bill Stegemueller preaching at Medina United Methodist Church on Palm Sunday taken from Luke 19:28-44

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Bill Stegemueller preaching at Medina United Methodist Church in a message entitled, “Faithful…” taken from Acts 25:1-22

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Resurrection Sunday!

If you were to ask me, “What’s the greatest event in history?” I would have a hard time answering because I can think of three different events that all involve the person and work of Jesus.   His birth… His death… and His RESURRECTION!

On April 1st were going to have our RESURRECTION SUNDAY.  You say, “That’s April Fools!”  That’s what makes it AWESOME!  It was the tradition in the early Eastern Orthodox Church of telling jokes on Easter.  You say, “Easter is not a laughing matter,” but they told jokes because on Good Friday the Devil thought he had won, but God got the last laugh on Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead.  The monks called it, “The Easter Laugh,” and it became known as a day of joy and laughter.

Easter is a time that a lot of NEW people come to church.  People think about coming to church who don’t regularly come.  Let’s begin praying about who God wants us to invite and how we can be more inviting.  Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying.  I believe we are already perceived by the community to be an extremely inviting church, but the question is, “How can we be more inviting?”

Try to imagine how intimidating it might be to walk into a crowded place.  It takes a great deal of courage to come to church for the first time.    Yet we have never been more crowded and studies have shown that when a church is 80% full, it’s FULL.  So we are not only FULL… we are way over capacity.

So, PLEASE if your able sit as close to the front as possible and leave the back pews open for our guest.  Park as farther away than usual if you can.  Also, be on the lookout for new faces and as you greet them, ask God to show you what to say and do.  Let’s not only prepare our hearts for what God wants to do in our lives, but also in the lives of others.

I also want to remind you that your pastor is only as good as your prayers.  Please pray not only for me, but for our Sunday School Teachers, Nursery Care Workers, Breakfast Club Crew, Safety Team, Worship Team, Greeters and Ushers that we would reflect Christ.

… and let’s gets excited to once again relive  THE RESSURECTION OF JESUS CHRIST!

See you in church,


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“The Urgency of the Gospel”

Bill Stegemueller preaching at Medina United Methodist Church a message entitled, “The Urgency of the Gospel and the Danger of Procrastination,” taken from Acts 24:22-27

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