Monthly Archives: May 2011

“Conduct Worthy of the Gospel”

Medina United Methodist Church
Pastor Bill Stegemueller

Philippians 1:27-30

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Medina United Methodist Church
Bill Stegemueller

Philippians 1:19-26

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“Under Construction”

Medina United Methodist Church
Bill Stegemueller

Philippians 1:3-7

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“Saints of God”

Medina United Methodist Church
Bill Stegemueller

Philippians 1:1-2

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“Come, Lord… REVIVE US!”

revivalWhat is a revival?  A revival is when God REVIVES His people.   I say that because sometimes we mistakenly use the word “revival” to mean, “reaching the lost.”  That very well might happen, but that is NOT what true revival is about.  True revival is about allowing God to renew our passion and love for Him.  Reaching the lost involves something a lot more radical.  It involves a Spiritual Awakening.   A Spiritual Awakening is when unbelievers in mass come to Christ and it’s something awesome to behold

If you look at Church history here’s what often happens:

(1) God revives His people.

(2) God then draws the unbelievers to His people in such a way that a Spiritual Awakening takes place.

The progression really makes a lot of sense.  Why would God draw unbelievers to a dead church?    What God loves to do is revive His people in such a way that He can then draw the unbelievers in.  Isn’t that what happened on the Day of Pentecost?  The Holy Spirit came upon those early disciples and they began to witness in the Power of the Holy Spirit and three thousand people came forward and got saved!

Our country has had two Great Awakenings in our history:

The first Great Awakening was in the 1700’s and God used preachers like John Wesley and George Whitfield to help revive to the people of God.  It’s interesting that at the same time that this revival as taking place, God was orchestrating a massive spiritual awakening that spread across the nation.

The Second Great Awakening was in the 1800’s and began as a lay movement when a group of Christian Business men got together on their lunch hour to pray.  I don’t think you can find a record of any significant revival or spiritual awakening occurring without believers praying.  Prayer Meetings began to break out all over the country.  I love the fact that at one point, God empowered a lay person to be (in my opinion) one of the greatest preachers of all time… Dwight L. Moody.

Both these Great Awakenings reached untold thousands of people and literally changed the spiritual climate of this country. If you ask me…we’re way overdue for another one.    People are hungry for it and here’s the thing…they don’t even know it yet.  People walk around with a big gaping hole in their souls and they don’t have any clue how to fill it.  There is so much uncertainty in the world and people are desperately looking for something stable that will truly satisfy them.  The harvest is indeed plentiful, but if God’s people are not revived… the workers will indeed be few.

Let’s get excited about  revival and pray that God will revive and empowers us to be ready for the harvest He wants to send our way.  Wouldn’t it be just like God to start something HUGE in a little place called Medina?


REVIVAL will begin at 7:00 PM at the Old Apple Festival Grounds on May 15, 16, 17, 18 (Youth Night)



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JOY 101: “OverJOYED!”

Medina United Methodist Church
Bill Stegemueller

Philippians 1:1-8

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JUSTICE… not vengeance!

“Good people celebrate when justice triumphs, but for the workers of evil it’s a bad day.” – Proverbs 21:15 (The Message)

Bin Ladden“Today, I celebrate justice, not vengeance. Peace, not violence. Closure for victims, not feelings of wrath. The end of an evil era, not the end of another child of God. I grieve that evil people continue to be at work in this world, and pray that we will continue to stand up against such evil. I pray, not for the destruction of evil people, but that they will repent and know Christ.” – From the Confessing Movement of the United Methodist Church


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