I Am Blessed…

From the Heart of Bill…

Please allow me to formerly announce that I have been reappointed to Medina for a 17th year!

Methodist pastors are appointed one year at a time. 

I have been thinking about the last 16 years.  I’m not the same person I was when I first came to Medina.  You have seen me at my best and you have seen at my worst.  We have laughed and cried together.  Together we have learned the POWER of FELLOWSHIP rooted in Christ and I have been humbled how God is able to do abundantly beyond I could ever think or imagine.  (Ephesians 3:20)

Funny, I wasn’t sure I was going to like Medina when we moved here.  Now I can’t imagine being any place else.   God has really used you to bring out the best in me and I can only hope that I have been half the blessing you have been for me. 

You have been such a blessing to my entire family.  Thank You.  I am so grateful to be your pastor and am excited about what the future holds for us…

Speaking of my family…

Kaitlin Stegemueller is the recipient of this year’s Dan Matthew’s Memorial Scholarship.  The leaders of the church unanimously voted for her.  What was exciting for me is that YOU (the Church) played a very important part raising her.  That’s the power of Christian Community! 

I want to take a moment of pastoral privilege and share some of her application with you:

Kaitlin Stegemueller
375 Orchard Park Blvd.
Medina, TX 78055
(830) 460-0147

Community Service Activities:
MUMC Sunday School Teacher
MUMC Director of Education
MUMC Nursery

School: Texas State University
2014 – current
Major: Integrated – Curriculum & Instruction
Certification: EC-6 ESL Generalist
GPA: 3.46
Status: Senior

I am a current student at Texas State University with the status of Senior. I have almost 5 years under my belt and have one more semester to go. My major covers early childhood through 6th education, and I would like to bring this skill to Medina to be used in this town’s school system. I grew up here and have been here for nearly 16 years now. My hometown is important to me and I would like to do whatever it takes to give back to it after all the love and kindness it, and its people, have given to me over the years. For the time being I give back to the community by holding the title of “Director of Education” and running the primary age Sunday school class. However, I feel like this is just a stepping stone to the things I could actually do for Medina. Becoming a teacher for Medina Elementary School would be the stone that makes a splash. By granting me this scholarship, you will have helped to aid me in that mission, to get my degree. So please, help me make this dream a reality and help fund my student teaching this fall.

Kaitlin is just one of many examples of the lives that you have touched, and just one of the many reasons I am honored to be your pastor.



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